Take Me Out To The Black
Title Take Me Out To The Black
Rating PG-13
He'd always wondered why they called it
"The Black". The spacers who frequented the bars down by the docks
where no self respecting Child of the Alliance would be seen dead - which
perversely made it one of the most popular places for the university's final
year students to sneak into - those bitter men and women whose faces told of a
lifetime's struggle, they would talk in hushed tones of the lure of the black.
The thrills of heading to the very edges of known space - many ventured out
there to lose themselves, only to finally find who they truly were.
The distance between stars out there was so great that a ship could travel for
weeks without passing by a planetary system, a star. For those who had spent
their lives on the central planets where there was never anything resembling
true night because of the proximity of neighbouring stars it was a daunting,
sometimes terrifying thing. As the nights wore on, the tones would become
hushed and the tales would turn to those of spacers who had left the central
planets, called by the lure of the black, who had lost their minds and their
Simon remembered laughing at that, the idea of being able to lose yourself - or
your self - on the 'edges of known space' had seemed ridiculous.
Now he counted on it.
There had never been a time in his life when he hadn't been able to see the
sun, but it was a regular occurrence out here in the space between stars. He
stood at the entrance to the bridge, not crossing the strangely organic looking
threshold - that was still the prerogative of crew members and despite the
captain's words Simon knew neither he nor River were crew, not yet anyway - and
watched the captain take his turn at piloting. Watching the man, with his
inscrutable expression, Simon thought perhaps he finally understood. It wasn't
just the darkness outside the view ports that gave rise to the epithet; it was
the darkness inside those who remained out here.
all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.