Sweet Surrender
Title: Sweet Surrender
Author: Shona aka Mara
Series: Sweetness Follows
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Buffyverse, Supernatural
Spoilers/Timeline: Post-Chosen (BtVS), mid-season 1 pre-Home (SPN)
Prompt/Claim: Written for the >fic_variations May
prompt of 'Sweet'
Claim: Faith/Dean
Warnings: Nada
Mille grazie: _amy_star, emeraldswam and monkey_matt are
responsible for everything good here!
Dean knew he had a reputation as a womanizer, and he was fine with that.
After all, there was a lot of truth behind it and more often than not it suited
him to cultivate the reputation. Only two - maybe three - people knew that it
was mostly an act. If people thought he could be sidetracked by the pretty
barmaid then they tended to let their guard down - it gave him an in more often
than not. And the pretty barmaids tended to know more about what was going on
than some of the redneck locals would ever dream of. Truth was though, whilst
Dean appreciated the lure of a beautiful woman as much as the next straight man,
he wasn't quite the horn-dog people took him to be.
Besides, if he'd ever shown signs of treating a woman with something less than
respect, his dad would have torn him a new one.
When he pulled into the parking lot after just about getting his ass handed to
him by some kind of walking lizard freak thing that he knew for damn sure wasn't
what he'd expected when they'd gone out to recce the latest haunted house and
spotted the three hotties watching him park up he figured that just maybe it was
time to indulge in people's expectations of him.
He didn't leer, but he did check them out, one after the other - and damn all
three of them were worthy of the attention of any man - until finally he met a
pair of liquid eyes which not only didn't look annoyed at the attention but
which were actively matching his gaze. Her smile was close enough to a smirk to
make him think twice when she started moving towards him, last thing he needed
right now was a predatory woman who'd sink her claws in, but there was something
about her that made him realize she was playing the same game as him. That she'd
cultivated a reputation which encouraged those who didn't know better to
underestimate her.
Dean didn't let any of that recognition show; he was too good a hustler for
that. Instead he leaned back against his car and heard Sam's world-weary sigh as
his brother took in the scene. He wasn't worried though, Sam might not have the
best opinion of him but he was one of the tow or three people who'd always been
able to see past Dean's masks. True to form, Sam was heading into the diner
shaking his head before the girl reached the car. Dean hid a smirk as he saw her
friends mirroring his brother's actions - almost as if they were as used to this
kind of thing as Sam was.
The thought did occur to him that perhaps he had met his match here, but then,
he wasn't exactly a stranger to the concept and he wasn't dead yet.
She stopped just inside what most people would consider his personal space and
tilted her head to one side. She was close enough that the warm breeze lifted
strands of her hair into his face. Something about the way she seemed to be
studying him stilled the cheap pick up line that was pretty much his stock in
trade. He held his tongue and waited for her to speak. She was the one who'd
approached him after all, and he was more than willing to let her dictate what
was going on here.
They stood there wordlessly for long minutes until finally she seemed to make up
her mind and nodded. She punched him on the arm in what she apparently thought
was a light manner but which he was pretty sure was going to add to the bruises
he'd already picked up today and grinned.
"So, I'm Faith." She said, in a voice that was pure smoke and honeyed
whiskey. "And you would be Dean Winchester then."
He was already backed up against the car and with her leaning in towards him
there was no easy way out. Dean turned to see if Sam was watching and spotted
his brother seated at a table near the back of the diner, with this... Faith's
friends around him. Almost like they were penning him in.
"Jumpy aren't you?" She said, still in that sultry voice that promised
something far more interesting - and fun - than if she was threatening. Faith
leaned forward until she could whisper in his ear, "Relax. I know who you
are and we're almost... allies, I guess you could say. Gotta say, your pictures
definitely didn't do you justice. Now in the flesh, that's a whole different
Dean narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out why even though she had him in a
compromising position - and not the kind he'd considered would be a possibility
when he first saw her - he wasn't seeing her as a threat. Was he starting to
fall into his own trap of being distracted by the girl? Was he really that easy
that a pretty girl and a compliment could throw him so completely?
"No idea what you're talking about, sweetheart. Dean who?" It was a
bluff and a bad one, he deserved the laugh that all but exploded from her.
She shook her head and turned slightly, keeping the same lack-of-distance
between them, until she too was leaning back against the door of the Impala.
"Your Daddy says hey.".
all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.