Sweet Ride
Title: Sweet Ride
Author: Shona aka Mara
Series: Sweetness Follows
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Buffyverse, Supernatural
Spoilers/Timeline: Post-Chosen (BtVS), mid-season 1 pre-Home (SPN)
Prompt/Claim: Written for the >fic_variations May
prompt of 'Sweet'
Claim: Faith/Dean
Warnings: Nada
Mille grazie: _amy_star, emeraldswam and monkey_matt are
responsible for everything good here!
Fifty-eight hours. Three thousand, four hundred and eighty
minutes. More seconds than Faith really wanted to think about but which she was
damn sure Willow would be able to tell her if she asked. All that time, cooped
up in a freaking mini-van with three others who wouldn't let her drive in case
she got them a speeding ticket. After all, explaining away an escaped convict
who was presumed dead in the aftermath of the Sunnyhell crater driving at a
hundred miles an hour down the freeway would probably not be all that easy. Of
course, they seriously underestimated her persuasive abilities and it wasn't
like this piece of crap minivan would make it over 65 without shaking itself
apart anyway. In the end it had been for nothing. Seemed like *something* had
gone down, but without any Council involvement. So there was nothing they could
do but turn around and head home again.
"Hey, Red." She nudged the seat in front of her with her knee and
Willow jerked as if she'd been sleeping.
"Tell me again how come you couldn't just have twitched your nose or
whatever and got us here three days ago?"
Willow's sigh was not quite as long-suffering as she obviously wanted it to
sound and Faith grinned to herself as she realized the witch had probably been
wondering that exact thing herself. "Because Giles thought that would be an
inappropriate use of magic."
"And who died and made him Cornelius Fudge?"
Xander laughed from the driver's seat, "Wouldn't have taken you for a Harry
Potter fan, Faith."
"Yeah, well..." She shifted uncomfortably. "Must've picked it up
from somewhere. What happens when a girl finds herself surrounded by geeks –
some of it seeps through."
"And that's why I heard you threaten Vi with torture if she tells you what
happens in book seven before you get to read it?" Xander shook his head as
Willow turned to grin at Faith. "Face it, you've been assimilated."
"You even think about mentioning the Borg and I'll tell Andrew you wanna go
to Comic-Con with him but are too afraid to ask," Faith shot back.
"Ooh – score one for Team Slayer!" came Buffy's sleepy voice.
"And I agree, next time we tell Giles that Willow's going to Apparate us no
matter what he says."
"You're just annoyed that we won't let either of you drive," Xander
"Ever think maybe I like getting chauffeured around?" Buffy retorted.
"Yeah, now you mention it, we did get the better end of the deal here.
Maybe next time we should get him a uniform. You know what they say about girls
falling for guys in uniform. Never been one for that myself, now *out* of the
uniform, well, that's a whole 'nother story..." Faith leaned forward
between the two front seats and dropped her voice into a husky whisper,
"'Course you could always leave the hat on..."
Xander's ears were turning red and he kept his gaze firmly on the road, not
acknowledging her at all. Faith laughed as she sat back and mimed herself
chalking up a point on some imaginary score board.
After a couple of minutes (during which his ears almost glowed red with
embarrassment) Xander finally spoke, "Who's up for a break? I could do with
some fresh air, y'know, stretch the old legs. Anyone with me? Good, thought so.
Right..." Before anyone had a chance to actually answer him, Xander had
pulled into a parking space in front of a run-down diner with faded red vinyl
seats shining dully under the strip lighting. A single-level motel stretched out
into the dark behind it and Faith kinda guessed they might be calling it a night
"Ooh. A diner. I've always wanted to visit one of these." Faith
bounced forward in her seat. "Can there be a bored waitress in a polyester
dress? Can there?" She was finding it easier to relax around the guys these
days but something about the glare Buffy shot her reminded her that there were
still a lot of things she still didn't quite get, making it clear that she was
still an outsider. Then again, it wasn't like everything in her own past was out
there for inspection, so as long as it was just the occasional glare she could
Xander had barely had time to slam on the parking brake before Faith practically
leapt from the car, followed quickly by Buffy. Keeping two Slayers cooped up for
any length of time was never a good idea, especially not in the kind of car no
one in their right minds would have been seen dead with. As she stretched out
tired muscles she called over to their newly minted chauffeur. "Hey,
Xander, next time we go on one of these gigs how 'bout you let me pick the
"Um, how about, because you can't fit four people on a Harley?"
"Who says?" She smirked.
"You didn't... did you?"
"Nah, but anything's possible if you're... flexible enough." She
leaned back from the waist as if demonstrating, but in actuality it was simply
to work out a niggling kink in her spine. 'Course, the fact that she could make
Xander's face turn the same colour as his ears was an added bonus.
"You have to admit Xander, it's not the... most impressive car you could
have picked," Buffy added. Faith knew the show of solidarity was in part an
apology for the earlier glare, but mostly it was about driving Xander up the
wall. It had, after all, been their favourite in-car entertainment for the past
58 hours.
"Fine." He threw his hands up in surrender. "Next time, you get
to pick. Hell, I'll even let you drive. So long as you let me make the chauffeur
"It would be chauffeuse, surely?" Willow asked in a somewhat
distracted tone of voice.
"Ladies and Ladies, may I present Willow Rosenberg. Most powerful witch in
the world and master of the linguistic nuance." Xander was grinning as he
threw his arm around Willow's shoulders. Faith was again a little amazed at how
at times like this it seemed like nothing had changed. It gave her hope.
"So what atrocity of automobile engineering would you inflict on us if you
had the choice Faith? let me guess - a monster truck?"
Her answer stalled in her mouth as a low rumble filled the parking lot and they
all turned to see a gleaming black Chevy pull up a few spaces along from where
they were parked.
"Now *that* is a sweet ride," Faith all but whispered. Even Willow let
out an appreciative whistle and Faith suddenly recalled the powder blue Chevy
Bel Air she'd seen Xander driving around Sunnydale for a while. Maybe she was
being a little judgemental placing him in the 'Giles' school of vehicular
appreciation. Still, a Bel Air might get some appreciative looks but an Impala
like this one would get people locking their doors and making U-turns to get out
of the way. In other words, it was her kind of car.
She watched the driver get out and glance over at his appreciative audience. She
had to fight the smirk as Buffy murmured, "You taking about the car or the
Faith saw his eyes track appreciatively over first Willow, then Buffy before
reaching her. When his eyes finally met hers she was a little startled at how
clear they were, and more than a little surprised that he met her stare head on,
with no sign of embarrassment at having been caught blatantly checking her out.
Well, turnabout was fair play she supposed, and after a moment's appraisal she
answered Buffy. "How about I let you know in the morning?"
Faith didn't wait for an answer before walking over to the new arrival.
all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.