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Beauty Like the Night

Title Beauty Like the Night
Author Shona aka Mara
Rating R for innuendo
Disclaimer Not my sandbox, either of them...
Fandoms Supernatural, Angel
Notes For wenchpixie who gave me an almost impossible drabble prompt. Originally posted as part of my Hump Day Make Someone Smile Spamathon (still open - come see the spam, add to the spam, share the love!)
Warnings hints of slash
Summary Beauty is in the eye - and the fingertips - of the beholder

Fingers, once silken, now calloused and work worn, tremble in anticipation as they trail over her sleek curves, admiring her, mapping her by touch, worshipping her with his hands. She feels cool beneath his skin but the promise of heat, of power, is right there. Lindsey can't remember the last time his breath was stolen by such beauty.

A hesitant hand touches his arm and he looks into an anxious face aching for his approval. The implicit trust warms him.

"Beautiful." He whispers, and as Dean's eyes light up, Lindsey hopes he knows he's not just talking about the car.

all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.